Phobia Success Stories

The Speakmans have helped countless people around the world successfully overcome their phobias.

Some of those stories are featured below.

  • Katsaridaphobia, Arachnophobia And Ophidiophobia

    Katsaridaphobia, Arachnophobia And Ophidiophobia

    Katsaridaphobia is a phobia of cockroaches, arachnophobia is a phobia of spiders and ophidiophobia is a phobia of snakes. TV presenter Jeremy Kyle is afraid of all three (plus many more creepy crawlies) adamant that he will never be able to overcome his phobias.

  • Ophidiophobia


    Nearly a third of people have admitted to a phobia of snakes (ophidiophobia) in a recent study. Karla’s phobia began at 5 years old. Her mother’s reaction to snakes caused Karla to be irrationally fearful of them whenever she was near them — which was relatively often, given Karla lives in the Hollywood Hills.

  • Ophidiophobia


    A phobia of snakes is known as ophidiophobia. Dawn’s fear of snakes started when she watched a horror movie called Venom when she was little. Since then (for the last 30 years) she has been absolutely terrified.

  • Arachnophobia And Ophidiophobia

    Arachnophobia And Ophidiophobia

    The Speakmans want to prove scientists who say we are hardwired from birth to be frightened of spiders (arachnophobia) and snakes (ophidiophobia) wrong. To do so, they have created a clinic with three people who suffer with either arachnophobia or ophidiophobia.

  • Ophidiophobia


    Ophidiophobia is an extreme and irrational phobia of snakes. Sarah works for a wildlife organization and her overwhelming fear of snakes is beginning to inhibit her from doing her job to the best of her ability.