Phobia Success Stories

The Speakmans have helped countless people around the world successfully overcome their phobias.

Some of those stories are featured below.

  • Trypanophobia


    Trypanophobia is a fear of needles. Paralympic tennis player Abbie suffers with a neurological wasting disease, therefore she had to be subjected to a multitude of needle-related experiments, which has exacerbated her fear of needles.

  • Tomophobia


    Tomophobia is a fear of medical interventions or upcoming surgical procedures. Liz Hughes has had the phobia all her life. She was never able to have any children and had to adopt, due to not wanting to be subjected to any medical intervention.

  • Trypanophobia And Iatrophobia

    Trypanophobia And Iatrophobia

    Trypanophobia is a fear of needles and iatrophobia is a fear of doctors or medical tests. Alice, aged 22, has a phobia of anything medical. It is so debilitating for her that she faints at the sight of medical instruments. It has now transferred to a fear of fainting itself.

  • Trypanophobia And Nosocomephobia

    Trypanophobia And Nosocomephobia

    Trypanophobia is a phobia of needles, noscomephobia is an intense fear of hospitals. Sally-Anne fear fear of needles and hospitals has prevented her from having the lifesaving treatment she needs for stage 3 ovarian cancer. She has refused surgery and medicine to help her, as it would have had to have been administered by injection.

  • Tomophobia And Trypanophobia

    Tomophobia And Trypanophobia

    Tomophobia is a fear of medical interventions and trypanophobia is a fear of needles. Carrie Rush was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018, but due to her phobia, she’s unable to receive the treatment that she needs.