Phobia Success Stories

The Speakmans have helped countless people around the world successfully overcome their phobias.

Some of those stories are featured below.

  • Ichthyophobia


    Ichthyophobia is a fear of fish, dead fish, or eating fish. 24-year old Roxanne suffers with panic attacks from thinking about fish, originating from an traumatic event occurring on holiday when she was a teenager at the age of 14.

  • Ichthyophobia


    Ichthyophobia is an irrational, exaggerated fear of fish. Lucy has had the phobia for 13 years since she was age 10 in school, being specifically triggered by viewing fish dishes in restaurants, experiencing anxiety and panic attacks, being repulsed by touching them.

  • Ichthyophobia


    Ichthyophobia is a persistent and irrational fear of fish. Individuals with ichthyophobia might fear seeing, smelling, touching, or eating fish. Pussycat Doll Ashley’s phobia of fish is triggered specifically by seafood in restaurants.