Five years ago a road accident changed Jo's life forever. Jo was riding her Vespa scooter when a car pulled out in front of her. Whilst she is gradually learning to live with her disabilities, living with PTSD is becoming more and more difficult as she has anxiety and panic attacks. She also hasn't been able to travel to see her family for over five years. Can Nik & Eva help?
In March 2000, Anita Williamson suffered an unimaginable loss when her 3-year old son was killed by a dustbin lorry.
Holly Taylor was first on the scene of a fatal car crash, of which one of the passengers had been dismembered. Due to what she witnessed and the traumas she endured since, she was diagnosed with PTSD.
Kerry and her husband were getting ready to go out, and her father was taking her son downstairs, then there was a bang. They ran to the stairs, to discover her son face down at the bottom of the stairs.
In March 2003, Gillian witnessed a car accident. As the car burst in to flames, she watched helplessly as the elderly couple perished in the car consumed by flames.
Sue and her husband were travelling home after a long weekend. They were 25 minutes from home when out of the blue, a silver car driving in the opposite direction mounted the grass curb, and came flying through the air and on top of their car.